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Messages - Dr.Gonzo

Pages: [1]
Technical forum / Re: 3D actor still visible when behind an object?
« on: June 05, 2007, 05:09:53 PM »
Awesome! ::thumbup Agree it IS difficult especially when you're one-man-team. Have you got team-mates in this battle for glory?  ::beer
Well, I started out thinking that I could pull this off just by myself, but I'm starting to wonder..
I understand that it took 35 people and a year and a half to make Syberia 2 ?  :o

Technical forum / Re: 3D actor still visible when behind an object?
« on: June 04, 2007, 06:21:33 PM »
The process is actually quite similar for 2D and 2.5D scenes, especially now when you can use 2D pathfinding even for 3D characters. It was a design goal to make the 2.5D scenes creation as close to 2D scenes as possible.

Thanks Mnemonic, that clears that part up for me.
I guess I'd gotten the wrong understanding on how 2D vs 2.5D works.

Technical forum / Re: 3D actor still visible when behind an object?
« on: June 04, 2007, 04:51:15 PM »
Yes, 3d walk plane serves as walkable area. But it has to be covered by at least one layout region as well (in Trinity demo it is so).

Well, I think you're right!  :) I just tried it out and it works well. From the docu I had
gotten the impression that the 3ds geometry pretty much includes all the necessary
objects and regions. I guess I was wrong.
That's why I wish there would be a separate tutorial that deals with 3D actors in detail.
I would think that the majority of games developed with WME are using 3D actors?

For now I just study WME in spare time as hobby. And you? :)

I'm trying to get a game started for real. I have several ideas, but like most beginners
I guess, I'm still in shock over how difficult this really is..  ::)

Technical forum / Re: 3D actor still visible when behind an object?
« on: June 04, 2007, 02:00:43 AM »
As far as I can tell, a 3D walk plane will serve as a walkable area, no?

Are you working on a game right now?


Technical forum / Re: 3D actor still visible when behind an object?
« on: June 01, 2007, 06:20:14 PM »
Well, maybe the reason for the problem I'm having is that I'm still working
on a modified version of the 3D Trinity demo. I just gave it a new background,
geometry and actor, to get the hang of it.

I will take the plunge and try to create the whole environment by myself, from
scratch. This will take a while but I'll let you guys know how it went.

As far as my current test scene goes; it does have a walk plane and the tree
sprite is a free entity, with the hot spot at the bottom.
But since this was just a first test, I'm not to worried that it didn't quite work
as expected.

Here's my current scene with geometry; the tree.sprite, blocked region and "behind the tree" region:

Technical forum / Re: 3D actor still visible when behind an object?
« on: June 01, 2007, 07:09:32 AM »
Yes, I have read the documentation (so far up to the "Scripting" section) and went through the
scene tutorial.
The tutorial however is using a 2D actor and doesn't fully translate into using a 3D actor.
Regions vs a .3ds geometry etc.. So not everything involved in using a 3D actor can be
learned from the tutorial, as good as it is.

I had located the sprites hot spot at the base of the tree trunk as was suggested here,
following the crates.sprite example, and it didn't work right.

Part of the problem is that I seem to be getting inconsistant results;
I was able to get it to work using a region around the tree.
Just now I disabled this region in sceneEdit and ran the game again and it still
worked! Nice!
I went into sceneEdit again and deleted that region, ran it again and now it doesn't work!
My actor gets covered up by the sprite when he's standing well ahead of the tree.
How can that be?? Do I have to reload the project in projectManager everytime I make a
change to a scene and saving it in sceneEdit?

Is the problem the location of the tree? It's far in the back of my scene:

I appreciate your answers!  :)

Technical forum / Re: 3D actor still visible when behind an object?
« on: May 31, 2007, 07:54:09 PM »
Hi Dr.Gonzo

Another noob Q for you from me ::wave
Where is the "hot spot" of the tree sprite placed? It should be somewhere in the centre of the root of tree. I think.

I'm glad to see that I'm not the only nOOb in here..  ;)

I tried moving the hot spot, but that doesn't seem to have an effect as far as
the actor appearing in front or behind a sprite goes.

...several hours later...

I finally got it to work by adding a "walk behind" region to the scene.
Why does it work know? I don't know..
Looking at the trinity demo, there is no "walk behind" region in the scene
and yet she's still partly invisible when she's behind the crates.

I swear, this is like pulling teeth without a complete documentation..  :-[

Technical forum / 3D actor still visible when behind an object?
« on: May 30, 2007, 07:30:42 PM »
Got a total noob question;  ::)

I tried to follow the Trinity demo to where she's behind the crates and is
"covered" by the crates as she should be.

When I try to do this in my first test scene, I get wierd results:
There is a tree in my scene, and I created a sprite entity (just like
the crates in the trinity/front scene) and placed it on top of my
rendered tree so the actor would be invisible when walking behind
the tree.

What I'm getting is this:

The guy is still visible when he's behind the tree, he's fine when he's a little in front
of it, and then he's covered by the sprite when he's closer to the camera.

Obviously, my tree-sprite isn't placed right. But how do I place it correctly?
I searched the docu and the forum but I can't find an answer on how to fix that.

Anyone, please?

(I gotta say that I feel like a total tool in this forum.. Aren't there any other beginners
here to ask stupid questions as well?? It seems like everyone else here is years ahead
of where I am right know. Is there some additional documentation around that I don't
know of and that gives all these answers to someone who is new to WME? ???)

Technical forum / Re: How do I use 3DS Max 9 with WME?
« on: May 27, 2007, 08:32:06 AM »
Nah, that's what this forum is for.

I like your attitude, brother.  ;D

Technical forum / Re: How do I use 3DS Max 9 with WME?
« on: May 27, 2007, 05:14:08 AM »
Thanks, Mnemonic!

After spending several hours with it, I finally figured it out!  :)
I managed to export a working 3D model with separate anim files.

Now I'm this much closer to actually start working on the game that
I have in mind. Nice!  ;D

And thank you for being so helpful. I'm sure that you must be tired of us
noobs asking all these noob questions..

Technical forum / Re: How do I use 3DS Max 9 with WME?
« on: May 25, 2007, 08:46:46 PM »
Ok, here's where I'm at right now:

I managed to import my rendered background and .3ds files into WME.
Trinity is walking around in there just fine. So far so good.  :)

But know I'm trying to get my own 3D actor into the scene and it's
giving me problems.

The first problem is that I can't import trinity.x into MAX. There are
exporters, but I can't find an importer to see how trinity is done.

Also, the trinity.x file must already contain the walking animation, since
there's no separate walk.x file for the walking animation.
The wiki article on exporting a 3D character from MAX to .X however
describles exporting the character in separate mesh & anim files, so this
doesn't help.

I tried both; separate files and mesh/animation combined in the .x file,
but I can't get the animation to play in either case.
My actors just slides around on the ground plane, in one pose.

The wiki article on exporting a 3D character from MAX selects the "Bones"
switch when exporting the mesh, but since my charater is animated using
a biped, there are no bones to export and the mesh looks crazy when I open
it in WME.

Could someone please give my some tips on how to get my biped animated
character from 3D MAX9 into WME?
I'm sure that someone here has done this already. I'm just too stupid to figure it out.

Technical forum / Re: How do I use 3DS Max 9 with WME?
« on: May 22, 2007, 04:50:50 PM »
There's a Wiki article detailing the export process. One thing to remember is that the walking animation needs to be done in-place, because WME moves the character automatically.

Thanks Mnemonic, that helps!

I missed that article when I browsed the wiki.
There is so much information to take in when you start looking into game dev., it's dizzying..  ;)

Technical forum / How do I use 3DS Max 9 with WME?
« on: May 21, 2007, 07:22:04 PM »
Hi,  ::wave

I just started checking out WME and I'm very impressed with it so far!

Trying to get started, I wanted to load the trinity sample actor into MAX to see
how she's done, but I can't find an importer for .x files into MAX 9, only the
Panda exporter. I tried other programs (Milkshape, Blender etc..) to convert
trinity.x into something that max can open, but with very little success.
Either the geometry or the animation got screwed up, or both.

So now I can't figure out how to create my own characters, and the
WME documentation and the samples I found weren't of much help either to me.

In order for me to get going with WME, I'd need some help on how to create sprite/3D actors
and maybe even whole scenes for WME in Max 9. Photoshop and Max would be my primary
tools to create graphic contents for WME - - *if* I can figure out how to make this work..

Are there any good tutorials out there that I've overlooked??
Something other than the docu/scene tutorial, to get someone new to WME started
in creating and importing content?

I'd really like to give WME a shot, but if I can't figure out how to use it, it's
of no use to me. And that would be a shame, since it obviously has a lot of

*Please* help!
(I hope I'm not whining? Am I? I don't like whiners..)  ;)

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