Hi community,
here's just another app I wrote for myself and as always I share it with you. It's called 'MACs WME Toolbox' and I will collect all small WME utilities I wrote/write in it.

First of all it has a talk table creation tool included (like my old 'Talk Scanner', but with enhanced functionality). You can easily choose what to include in the created CSV table and you are now even able to direcly replace the string.tab references with the real lines that are written to the string.tab.
Besides that it features a funny project statistics generation tool that scans your project for number of images, scripts, sprites and a whole lot of other things.
It supports both english and german language.
Just start the app and try some things out. I think everything is self-explanary and so the usage should be quite easy. If you still need help feel free to ask.
To make this thing work you have to choose the project file (*.wpr) at the top of the app first (it will be stored to windows registry for quick re-use). If you want to direcly translate the string.tab references, you have to choose your desired string.tab, too. (You find it in the options panel)
Version 0.2 updates:- NEW: A scrollable textbox for the statistics
- NEW: The number of "translated" talk lines in the STRING.TAB is included in the statistics now
- NEW: checkbox 'Deep Scanning' (statistics): A list of inventory items is included in the statistics
- NEW: Now the csv table creation works as well for WMEs automated speech system. Just check the concerning checkbox and select a speech folder (works recursevly - so it will search all subdirectories, too)
- NEW: By default the scanner will ignore commented talklines now. If you want to scan commented lines and areas too, you have to make a check at "Automatic speech file system" in the options panel
- FIX: Problems with "~" character fixed
- FIX: Now the script location is saved to the csv table relative to the project directory (It contained the whole path formerly)
So here's the download link:
http://mac-bs.de/bullsoft/download/WME_Toolbox.exe (50kB)
Have fun