in scripts/game.scripton "RightClick"
// if inventory item selected? deselect it
if (Game.SelectedItem != null){
Game.SelectedItem = null;
var ActObj = Game.ActiveObject;
// is the righ-click menu visible? hide it
if(WinMenu.Visible == true) WinMenu.Visible = false;
else if(ActObj!=null)
// if the clicked object can handle any of the "verbs", display the right-click menu
if(ActObj.CanHandleEvent("Take") || ActObj.CanHandleEvent("Talk") || ActObj.CanHandleEvent("LookAt"))
// store the clicked object in a global variable MenuObject
MenuObject = Game.ActiveObject;
var Caption = WinMenu.GetControl("caption");
Caption.Text = MenuObject.Caption;
// adjust menu's position
WinMenu.X = Game.MouseX - WinMenu.Width / 2;
if(WinMenu.X < 0) WinMenu.X = 0;
if(WinMenu.X+WinMenu.Width>Game.ScreenWidth) WinMenu.X = Game.ScreenWidth-WinMenu.Width;
WinMenu.Y = Game.MouseY - WinMenu.Height / 2;
if(WinMenu.Y<0) WinMenu.Y = 0;
if(WinMenu.Y+WinMenu.Height>Game.ScreenHeight) WinMenu.Y = Game.ScreenHeight-WinMenu.Height;
// and show the right-click menu
WinMenu.Visible = true;
// stop the actor from whatever he was going to do
// no verbs supported, no menu is needed; just send the RightClick event to the object
else ActObj.ApplyEvent("RightClick");
and scripts/scene.script#include "scripts\"
on "LeftClick"
// when the scene is left-clicked, just send the actor to the specified point
on "RightClick"
// when the scene is Right-clicked, just send the actor to the specified point