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ICU Entertainment, needs new recruits.
« on: July 15, 2006, 06:49:08 AM »

Hey guys ICU is a new company and would like to recruit as many people possible. Right now we have two 2D artists for GUI's, items and backgrounds but we really need some 3D artists, you guys can use any 3D modelling program you want. We also need a music composer and web designers for both HTML code and graphic design for our webpage. We also need an ICU logo, our moto is SEEING IS BELIEVING. So if some one can come up with a great logo sweet ill even pay for it. We also need 2 more programmers. I am a programmer myself. We are a non-commercial company but if we make somthing great and its worth selling then by all means i'll go commercial. We also need a project leader who knows what there doing with WME and that can schedule when things get done. Hopefully we can start right away, we also need some script writers aswell. Ok thanks guys and if you want to join then please email me at:  :). Oh yeah one more thing I have some stories already so we can start right away but I would still like script writers because im good at plots and ideas but can't really write scripts well lol. Anyway guys pease out and remember ICU Entertainment....SEEING IS BELIEVING.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2006, 07:05:26 AM by mylesb »
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Re: ICU Entertainment, needs new recruits.
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2006, 09:37:35 PM »

What's your pay scale for programmers, artists, etc...
"And if you don't have a story to tell, you're not making an adventure game so much as you are blowing your nose on your computer screen."


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Re: ICU Entertainment, needs new recruits.
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2006, 05:54:47 AM »

Yeah mate with the programmers and artists etc. Intially they won't be paid but when and if we decide to go commerical then it will be about 60% split between the people that worked on it and 30% to me. With the logo however I will pay for that because we need one deperately. Thanks for your post. :)
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Re: ICU Entertainment, needs new recruits.
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2006, 01:41:30 AM »

Intially they won't be paid but when and if we decide to go commerical...

Well, no offense intended, but I think you might have troubles then finding competent artists, etc to work for you. The "when and if we decide to go commercial" is not a very strong inducement to work for "free"... especially on someone else's project.

The 60/30 split is not very attractive either... say you managed to round up 5 people to participate, that's 60/5 or 12% each to your 30%. A bit too lopsided IMO.

Good luck to you though!
« Last Edit: July 18, 2006, 04:16:13 AM by SiriusCG »
"And if you don't have a story to tell, you're not making an adventure game so much as you are blowing your nose on your computer screen."


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Re: ICU Entertainment, needs new recruits.
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2006, 08:01:40 AM »


Just maybe, it would also help to have something (a lot probably) to show on your behalf.

I mean, why would I commit with you (for free at the moment) without actualyl knowing anything about you, your future game. And certainly if the game is not in your head yet then, I hardly doubt anyone will really care... But that's my 0.0197$ ;)

Other than that music always comes last. You don't need a composer before you have done at least 50% of the game, so I'll wait. :) (and although I used to I'm not in it for free anymore sadly...)



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Re: ICU Entertainment, needs new recruits.
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2006, 01:10:27 PM »

 :)Hey guys thought i'd post back here sorry i havent replied in a while. Well the site is looking good just a few more things to add then it will be done. We have a background artist and char designer/animator but I was thinking the main char should be cell shaded 3D so it will be easier for all the animations he has. So any modelers and animators that are willing to create the main char please email me at also anyone else that would like to help in any other job please contact me.
So the story, i dont want to give away to much so ill just say what i can. You are born in Sparta and are the Military's generals son. Sadly you are born with a defect. An eye but not just any eye, a completely blue eye and as you grow older you will soon discover the amazing power that it posesses. At birth your father along with others notice your eye and decide to stick to tradition and the Spartan ways and just leave you on the cliffs for the wolves to eat. That night was a windy night and the basket your in falls off the cliff but luckely it lands on a branch saving your life. The next day a soldier from Athens finds you and decides to take you in. In Athens you are rased to be a healthy boy. Then one day a Spartan unit raids the outskirts of Athens were your cottage lies and sadly your mother(not your real mother, the lady that raised you) is killed by the Spartans. After that day you swear to take revenge and avenge your mothers death still not knowing that she is not your real mother. The first thing you will want to do is join the Athenian army, but that will be no easy task you will have to win the Olympic Games, train in combats such swordsmastery and archery, You must take on mythical evil gods which include Madusa, Cyclopes, Ceria among others and above all discover the amazing gift that you possess while experiencing great scenery and lovable characters. Your time has come, so stand up and be the hero you were born to be.

Well thats the story. The battle system will be like insult swordfighting in MI except that my own original innovation will be added creating a new battle system for adventure games.

We have the site up for our new project, so come check it out and chat on our forums
« Last Edit: August 24, 2006, 10:06:25 AM by mylesb »
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Re: ICU Entertainment, needs new recruits.
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2006, 10:07:20 AM »

We have the site up for our new project, so come check it out and chat on our forums
Lead Game Designer, Royal Wins.

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