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Author Topic: Using Script method from a entity handler script  (Read 2878 times)

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Adventure Bird

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Using Script method from a entity handler script
« on: August 16, 2010, 09:22:40 PM »

I have 2 problems or maybe I should better say "questions".

The first question is, how can I insert a entity to scene after a specific entitiy/node on the layer. I only found an add method and a insert method by integer. But no "IndexOf" node method which I would need if I want to insert the entity on the correct order.

The second thing is. I don't know exacly how I should handle following:

I have a scene with a background entity. In the scene_init.scipt I wrote a method RepaintContainerCity() and an 3D array for the container places. The method creates a lot of entities for the container objects. To each object will be added a script which takes the eventhandler for talk/take/look. But in this script I haven't access to the repaint method. For example: I want to click on a container --> take container --> container handler should call the method of scene_init.script repaint

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