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Messages - jonathanboakes

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: WME 1.6 final
« on: May 20, 2006, 03:31:25 PM »

    New standard animations, TurnLeft and TurnRight.

Hurrah! Hurrah! No more spinning on the spot. The new animation option will make a world of difference.


Technical forum / Re: Big Frame rate drops.... unpredictably.
« on: May 02, 2006, 12:31:25 AM »
Problem solved. Thanks! It looks to be a misplaced script, in my case calling two windows, in the!
It's great to see that frame rate go back up, after a depressing long period of watching it droop. I shall 'spring clean' my scripts pronto, to make sure no other nasties are hiding away.

Long live good frame rates, and great support! Hip Hip Hooray!

Thanks guys.

Technical forum / Big Frame rate drops.... unpredictably.
« on: April 30, 2006, 09:41:46 PM »
I'm experiencing a big framerate drop in between scenes in a demo project, made with WME1.5.2. It doesn't happen everytime I enter the scene, but when it does happen the project stays on 30fps, and slowly lowers as I play through additional scenes. The are music events cued in some scenes, and not others. I have removed music scripts to see if they were causing the problem. There was no change. The framerate still dropped after walking back and forth between the scenes several times. Also, I've tried 'unload' in-between scenes, to remove other actors. 

The weirdest thing is the fact that if I save a game (using the in-game save menu), quit, restart the PC, re-launch WME, launch the project and load my save game it is still 30fps! That means the low frame rate is saved to the save slot and cannot be reset (or the item/script causing the frame drop is being saved). So, there are two things puzzling me....

1: Why does the framerate drop in these scenes some of the time, but certainly not all of the time. I have attempted to replicate the drop through many actions, but it is totally unpredictable (to my eyes). The framerate remains low, regardless of restarting, closing all programs, etc etc.

2: Why does the framerate stay at 30fps from scene to scene, even when there are no actors or 3D assets displayed. Also, the low framerate is loaded with a savegame...regardless of scene, actor and geometry.

Any ideas? info? help? This has got me stumped.  ???


General Discussion / Re: Welcome Jonathan Boakes!!!
« on: February 17, 2005, 10:01:21 PM »
You might drop using Macromedia Director for your game development!

That's the idea.  ;)


Game design / Re: matter of perspective: first person or third person?
« on: January 08, 2005, 06:02:54 PM »
I can't imagine Syberia's locations working form a first person perspective, and the story lends itself to a 3rd person view. Kate Walker's (main character) appearance contrasts with the world around her, and makes up much of the stories heart. We are, essentially, watching Kate's adventure, rather than our own.

Whereas a first person view suggests immersion within the game world. You are experiencing the game world first hand, through your own eyes. This alters the narrative flow, as you dictate your own movements and pacing. Life can be suggested, through animations, and the recent Myst IV takes this to a new level.

Obviously, a full location in a 3rd person game also requires less screens. The viewpoint is fixed, as the character moves within it (sometimes covering many metres of play space). A node for a 1st person game requires either 4 views (for early-Myst style games) or several stitched graphics for a 360degree view. The average step from node to node is a couple of metres. The closeness of the camera to the game world also means higher res textures are essential.

By having less artwork to produce can mean more time for 'finishing' or adding extra details in post-production. Much of the Syberia screens feature montage material, with photographic elements cloned over dull surfaces. This is less possible in a 1st person game, as the nodes need visual continuity. A patch of weeds visable in one node, must be added to all the views.

My preferance, so far, has been towards 1st person, due to the narrative featured in the games.

General Discussion / Re: #600 - The unofficial introduce-yourself thread
« on: January 08, 2005, 03:15:06 PM »
Hello there,

My name is Jonathan Boakes, I am based in London in Cornwall, and have produced:

XXv: The Displacement
Dark Fall: The Journal
Dark Fall: Lights Out

My fav adventure games are:

Zork: Nemesis


General Discussion / Re: Dark Fall Adventure Game - Indie developer
« on: January 08, 2005, 03:01:08 PM »
Thanks PrestonD, for the kind comments about the Dark Fall games.

I'm thrilled to hear that the "creation" section is inspiring. It was never intended to be a full tutorial, instead I hoped it would illustrate what can be achieved by a single individual, when thinking realistically.

The first Dark Fall game was self published for over a year, and continued to sell while I was producing the second game. It was at this point that The Adventure Company showed a definite interest, and offered a publishing contract. They did not fund the games, I did. The projects were financed from my own pocket. I get paid on a deliveries basis, with gold masters being payment milestones. So, no game, no pay.

Thanks for the topic, and good luck with the game projects!


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