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Author Topic: Wintermute IDE (aka WIDE)  (Read 11134 times)

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Wintermute IDE (aka WIDE)
« on: October 24, 2005, 07:37:51 AM »

Hi everybody!

I've recently started work on a Wintermute IDE. (That stands for Integrated Development Environment for those of you who have not done programming before!)

What this IDE does is integrate everything you want to do with Wintermute into one application. For example, I can now modify the game and have a syntax checking (and highlighting) script editor, along with a Scene and Sprite editor all under one roof. Wintermute will still need to compile your game, so it's not a complete replacement, but it should make creating games a lot easier.

You can modify scripts which adjusting sprites and fonts at the same time. (You can have multiple documents open at the same time. For those more tech-savvy, that's called MDI) The IDE can also play specified audio files within your game, display and modify graphics properties, etc. I think you get the general idea. (It does everything)

There is auto code completion, syntax highlighting, debugging facilities, property managers, and you can do all the normal stuff you'd expect from an application like this. (You can of course do things like undo, cut, paste, etc) The auto code completion facility can be easily translated into any language given time and patience.  :)

Anyway, here's a small screenshot, but if you'd like to see it in fullscreen, click here :

The reason I'm making this application is I'm a student doing course in programming at the moment and I'm trying to challenge myself. (I've already run into a few problems but overcome them, and I like a challenge!). I also realise that an IDE is redundant because Wintermute's Project Manager coupled with a good editor (I'm looking at you, Mac!) are sufficient to get the job done. This is just more of a hobby thing than anything else.

Of course I'd like to hand out what I've done so far, but I'm not going to because :
  • The IDE is still buggy. I don't want to be responsible for stuffing up your game.
  • Some of the options are hardwired into the IDE at the moment. (For example, the IDE defaults to a directory that you may not have on your computer, but I have on mine. I will of course be changing that for the release version)

If there are any other creative ideas people can think of to put in this IDE, please let me know. Otherwise there should be a beta release in about three to four weeks, assuming other commitments don't get in the way of my programming.

Any other feedback or comments are appreciated.

And finally thanks go to Mnemonic for answering my emails so quickly regarding the development of this application.


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Re: Wintermute IDE (aka WIDE)
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2005, 10:18:57 AM »

Wow, that looks cool 8) So you're using .NET? What version?

I'm also working on a WME new toolset at the moment, but I'm afraid it will take a lot more than a few weeks to come up with a beta...

Anyway, good luck with the project and please, keep us informed :)
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Re: Wintermute IDE (aka WIDE)
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2005, 12:01:18 PM »

I'm using .Net Framework 2.0 beta (but it does work under 1.1 because I'm not using any of the 2.0 features) and programming with Visual Studio 2003. I was considering programming it in Java, but then I remembered that Java has this terrible syntax that would make a grown man cry. (P.S. I hate Java)

I don't think there'd be any other real requirements to run the program though. You just need Dot Net installed, at least Windows 2000 Pro (Not NT4), and of course Wintermute.

That brings me to another point. If anyone reading this needs the .Net Framework, you can download it from Yes, it's a free download. The link also contains information for support should you have any problems. (The download is 23mb, so if you're on dial-up, go and make yourself a meal whilst you wait)

You don't of course need it right now, but I suggest getting it even if you have no intention of using my IDE, because you're going to start noticing more and more applications requiring .Net as time goes on.


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Re: Wintermute IDE (aka WIDE)
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2005, 04:14:03 PM »

Hi Columbo,

sounds very promising, but couldn't you have posted this two weeks before ?  ;) I think I would never had coded my VSE then.  ;D

Seriously this is a very good thing you are doing for us. I'm burning to see it in action.



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Re: Wintermute IDE (aka WIDE)
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2005, 09:05:00 PM »

 :o WOW!!!

Thats really great! I will be very happy when final version will be released! When will be chance on czech localization, then First reality is at your service!  ::rock
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Re: Wintermute IDE (aka WIDE)
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2005, 02:11:28 AM »

sounds very promising, but couldn't you have posted this two weeks before ?  ;) I think I would never had coded my VSE then.  ;D

Seriously this is a very good thing you are doing for us. I'm burning to see it in action.

Thanks for your interest, Mac! Unfortunately the program is only five days old, which is why I didn't announce it earlier. On the other hand, I could claim that I did it to spite you, but I didn't. :) hehehe

I promise I'm working on getting a Beta out as soon as possible. I'm working on it about 20 hours a day at the moment (I don't sleep much, except when on holidays) so hopefully I can get it out sooner than my above quote, but I can never be sure of these things because I know something big is going to happen and slow me down. (You know... computer viruses, bird flu, etc... something like that).

The biggest bug in the IDE at the moment is it's syntax colourization. Actually, it's not a bug, it's just I haven't optimized my code very well. You see, when it colours the document's syntax, it goes through and colours the document from top to bottom of the script every time something changes in the script. I've found if your script is more than say, 3000 characters, the IDE comes to a screeching halt. It won't crash, it's just very slow. The way that my code works is like painting your entire car when there's only a scratch on the rear bumper. I've thought of some creative ways of fixing this problem, but we'll see how it all goes.

Anyway, I seem to have gone off on a tangent here.

:o WOW!!!

Thats really great! I will be very happy when final version will be released! When will be chance on czech localization, then First reality is at your service!

Ok, I suppose there's good and bad news with this. I'll start with the bad, and then the good.

Bad News : Unfortunately I speak no other language other than english. I can say "Good day" in German (Guten Tag!) but that's about as much as I know of foreign languages. (Foreign meaning English is the only spoken language in Australia). I have never got around to learning any other languages because I've never left my country. Maybe I should go on an overseas trip.

However! There is good news.

Good News : The IDE is so dynamic that anyone can make their own translation without any programming experience whatsoever. All you need to know to make a translation is how to read english (for the translation file), and you're set! My IDE provides the mechanism for translation.

For example, when you create a new script, the document window has in it's titlebar : "Script : [filename]" - Now, let's say you wanted the word "Script" to read something else. That's easy. Open up the interface editor (tools menu) and change the property belonging to that window's title bar to read "Programmindex", "Manuscrit", "Escritura", or whatever other language you'd like. The file is then saved as local.ide. You can redistribute that file to your friends (and I would of course be happy to host translations on my site) and then that translation can easily be installed on anyone's machine.

In terms of application localization, the IDE will be compiled as a EN:International application. This means that it will run on any computer in any language, but will initially read english until you install a third party local.ide file, or translate it yourself. One design flaw is that the application only supports one local.ide file at any one time, so you can't switch from english to czech and back again with ease. I will look into changing that before the program is released.

I hope that makes sense. I'm not terribly good at describing things. :-)

Any other questions, feel free to ask.


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Re: Wintermute IDE (aka WIDE)
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2005, 04:11:56 AM »

First weekly update :

There's not much to show regarding this week's update. Generally the interface has remained the same throughout the whole week. I have however tidied up a lot of bugs, and the interface is now as solid as stone. I figured there is no point adding more and more features if the basics don't perform properly.


Anyway, per the previous requests above, I have started working on translation abilities within the application, but I sort of need a volunteer. I need someone who can read and write fluent Czech. By that I mean you need to be a good speller! I've noticed that a fair chunk of the WME crowd is Czech, and thought it would be nice to at least provide a translation in Czech as a basis, and provide other languages (Spanish, French and German) later.

Translation is fairly simple. It's just a flat text file that will look something like this :

00042:The file cannot be saved as you do not have permission to write to this directory.

...and so on. The first three are examples of the menu system, the last one is an example of an error message. (The ampersand indicates the shortcut key)

The flat file is not ready for translation yet (it's not completely written) however if you do translate it, you will of course be given credit for that translation if you want it. Anyway, I hope someone is interested! (and if you'd prefer to translate to another language, you're welcome to do that - you would be given credit for that as well).

I would use one of those online translators, but they are terrible. I'll give you an example :

The file cannot be saved as you do not have permission to write to this directory.
- translates to Czech as -
Člen určitý archiv dělostřelectvo být zachráněný ačkoliv tebe činit ne mít dovolení až k psát až k tato adresář.

Even though I don't speak Czech, that just doesn't look right. Please correct me if I'm wrong.


Wintermute IDE will be free for non-profit use. If you wish to use Wintermute IDE in a professional or commercial capacity, then you need to purchase the professional version, which will cost $20AU per user. (That's about €12.43 at time of writing) The professional version will require activation codes. Exemptions are available.

Beta Testing

As you know, the beta version will be released in the next few weeks. The beta version also requires an activation code. The reason I have done this is because I want only authorised Beta Testers to use the software. The code that beta testers will receive will work only once. So if you give the software to a friend with your activation code, it will NOT work.

If anyone is interested in doing some Beta testing, please feel free to PM me your interest. You don't need any experience in software testing - anyone is allowed to sign up! To stop people from signing up in the future, I won't accept requests after November 6, 2005.

Wintermute Plugin

I was considering introducing a DLL plugin for Wintermute games that will allow the programmer to put in their own activation routine similar to the one I'm doing. If the activation fails, the program will fail to run. Good for protecting against piracy if you intend on putting a price tag on your software. Let me know if you think you'd be interested in that. If not, I won't make it. :)


Well, that's about it for this week. Feel free to drop comments or suggestions in here. I read the forum regularly. :)


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Re: Wintermute IDE (aka WIDE)
« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2005, 11:49:26 AM »

Due to a catastrophic system failure, (mainboard, cpu, and video card stopped working on the same day) the delay of WIDE is going to be delayed until I can afford a new computer to continue development. I estimate this to take two weeks. Sorry for the delay.


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Re: Wintermute IDE (aka WIDE)
« Reply #8 on: November 14, 2005, 03:18:49 PM »

I have resumed work on the IDE. Here is a new screenshot as well as a few blurbs about different things that I've done regarding the script editor. (137kb)

Or here's a tiny version :

The picture sort of explains what other bits I've been up to as well, but mainly the code being the IDE has been cleaned up and there are relatively few bugs now. I have begun work on the font editor at this time. (No more dodgey freeware font editors for me!)

Once again, any questions - you know where to find me.


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Re: Wintermute IDE (now known as Straylight)
« Reply #9 on: December 21, 2005, 11:28:07 AM »

Well, this will be my last post regarding the IDE because all of the news can now be found at This way I won't clog up Mnemonic's precious forums, nor look like I'm talking to myself. :)

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